Scoring Standard for International Martial Arts Routines

1. Scoring Rules
(1) The judge panel consists of 3 subpanels: Subpanel A is comprised of three judges who judge based on the quality of move execution, while the three judges in subpanel B judge based on the overall quality of the performance. Subpanel C is also composed of three judges, judging based on the overall difficulty of the demonstrated routine. There is also a leading judge who oversees all three subpanels and deducts points for going over one’s allotted time, repeating moves, or mistakes not documented in the scoring standard. A head judge presides over all of the other judges, reassigning judges to different positions as needed and announcing contestant scores.
(2) The maximum possible score for each category is 10 points, 5 of which are based on the quality of move execution. The other 5 points are given based on the overall quality of the performance.
(3) Judges in subpanel A deduct points from contestants for any specific mistakes made regarding the execution of moves.
(4) Along with the leading judge, judges in subpanel B give contestants scores based on the quality of the performance in general. They also deduct points for any choreographic mistakes in routines.
(5) Judges in subpanel C award up to 1.4 extra points to contestants upon the correct completion of particularly difficult moves or transitions.

2. Scoring Standard
(1) Standard for Quality of Move Execution
When the contestant completes the routine, 0.1 points are deducted for each instance of a move not matching standard specifications.
(2) Standard for Quality of Performance
The scoring standard for the quality of performance includes two aspects: performance quality and choreography.
a. Quality of Performance
The standard for performance quality is based on the strength, coordination, and style of the contestant demonstrates in their routine. There are three grades of performance: A score of 4.21 - 5.00 is good, a score of 3.01 - 4.20 is adequate, while a score of 1.51 - 3.00 is bad.
b. Choreography
i. When the contestant completes the routine, 0.2 points are deducted for each extra or missing move.
ii. Up to 0.5 points can be deducted if the routine’s structure, composition, or accompanying music does not match standard specifications.

3. Score Precision
(1) Judges in subpanel A must round their scores to the nearest tenth.
(2) Judges in subpanel B and C must round their scores to the nearest hundredth.

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Taipei Fuhsing Private School
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