
Cultural Influence

As the first female painter in Taiwan, Mrs. Chen Chin has also left a lot of for later generations. Not only for a certain degree of social impact, but also the publish companies published Mrs. Chen Chin's related works and her story. Today, we can go to exhibitions in various museums to visit Mrs. Chen Chin's paintings. We can also buy souvenirs related to her paintings, and even film and television companies have filmed Mrs. Chen Chin's related drama series. Looking forward to the story of Chen Chin and her paintings can be inherited from generation to generation.

Social influence

1.Ms. Chen Chin is the first female painter in Taiwan

In the past, it was thought that "women have no talent is virtue" and that women's status is subordinate to men. Women not only couldn’t be educated, but also receive footbinding when they are young. During the beginning of the Japanese occupation period, women began to receive education as the new education system entered Taiwan. At that time, a women's school was set up to for women. The Governor's Office even banned footbinding in 1915, and offenders will be punished by the government. It gradually smashed the old concept of "women have no talent is virtue." In 1922, Mrs. Chen entered Taipei No.3 High School (now Zhong Shan Girls High School), and later went to Tokyo Girls Art School to study fine arts. In 1927, Taiwan hosted the first "Taiwan Exhibition" (Taiwan Art Exhibition), and Chen Chin was still only a student of the Tokyo Girls' Art School. Her father told her the exhibition information, also encouraged her to attend.
Taiwan Three Youngsters reunion
Therefore, Chen Chin sent three school works to participate in the "Taiwan Exhibition." Then, Chen Chin's three works "pose", "poppy flower" and "morning" all were selected, including Kuo Hsueh Hu and Lin Yu Shan’s paintings were selected too. The three young people, only 20 years old, there were 92 artists selected and they were the only three Taiwanese, so people called them "Taiwan's Three Youths."
Chen Chin was the first female painter in Taiwan. She did not choose to become a Japanese during the occupation period. She always insisted on using "Taiwan's daughter" as her own piece of art to write down a precedent for Taiwan's female artists. Even the Japanese Thumbs up to the Taiwanese painter. Her teacher out of the East, the integration of Western aesthetics, delicate and elegant women unique to Taiwan culture as the foundation, the development of the most prosperous Chen Jin people glue painting. We see the paintings of Chen Jin as if Chen Jin's life were to be seen. The women in her paintings are the ideal Taiwanese women in her heart. They are dignified and graceful but are not weak at all. They are brave and strong.
In the past, Taiwan's masters of painting in the days of Taiwan, Chen Chin was particularly distinguished. People called her "Mr. Chen Chin". Chen Chin used plastic painting and used painting to skillfully express his own ideas. In the old days, he demonstrated the rational self-determination of modern Taiwanese women and was the first woman in Taiwan.

2.Ms. Chen Chin makes Taiwanese proud

Mrs. Chen's success was not accidental. From 1927 to 1936, she was selected in Taiwan's exhibition for ten years in a row. She was then directly listed as the highest honor of the "no-survey painter". She firmly said: "Drawing, is my life career." During the Japanese occupation period, painters’ social status was very high. The paintings that were selected in the Japanese Emperor Exhibition will be the headline of the newspaper. Painting, has also become one of the best ways to let Taiwanese to be proud. Chen Chin's paintings won awards not only in Taiwan. In 1934, she enrolled in the 15th Imperial Art Exhibition in Japan with her sister Chen Xin as the model and became the first Taiwanese female painter ever to be selected in Japan. At the time, the newspapers reported that Chen Chin's work was deeply "Taiwan-style." When they interviewed Mrs. Chen Chin, she said excitedly: "Taiwan is a very good place, and who does not love the hometown where he or she grew up?" besides participating in the "Taiwan Exhibition" and "Imperial Exhibition," she also participated in "Tai Yang Art Fair." which was founded by Taiwanese.
Mrs.Chen Chin is in the second row, first from the right
Chen Chin once said: "I participated in the Tai Yang exhibition because I am a Taiwanese. The establishment of the Tai Yang exhibition was another art group. There was more chance for development. Originally, the exhibition has a resistance meaning, but it couldn’t change anything. Therefore, set up a group, a group of Taiwanese, then Taiwanese will have a chance to develop." This shows her recognition and abundant feelings toward Taiwan.

3.Ms. Chen Chin draws Taiwanese style

During the Japanese occupation period, it was the peak time of Chen Chin's creation. Chen Chin not only tried hard to be as good as the Japanese, she even said: "I am Taiwanese, I want to paint the style of Taiwan, and I want to paint good works , It is important to paint better than the Japanese. "Chen Chin strives to be the best and she really did it!
After 1945, the political situation changed, the Nationalist government set off the "orthodoxy of traditional Chinese painting" controversy, the Toyo Ink Provincial Exhibition stopped for 10 years, many artists therefore changed the creation of media. Chen Chin's paintings have been questioned by many Chinese artists and art critics: "She is such a good painter but why does her paintings do not have any" Chinese landscapes "or" plum blossom, bamboo or chrysanthemums" ?" In the face of doubt, although Mrs. Chen Chin did not feel good, but she did not change into painting ink painting, she still insisted on painting gouache paintings.
Mrs. Chen Chin was painting accompanied by her husband
Chen Chin married at the age of 40, under the support of her husband Mr. Shaw Chen Chiung, she still dedicated into painting. When she was 43-year-old, she gave birth to her son Shaw Cheng Jia, the theme after her marriage became more family-based and flowers, with paintings to interpret the role of being a wife and mother. this painting, she painted her daughter in law and grandson as her model. Although it is a simple and ordinary subject, under her brush , highlighted the extraordinary maternal love.

4.Set up a foundation to carry forward.

In 2001, Chen Chin Memorial Cultural and Arts Foundation was established to promote, assist or reward domestic and overseas research on Chen Chin's works, to promote the promotion of Chen Jin's relics, and spread domestic art education.

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